Using Our Core Values To Fuel Success

Around this time of year, Chris and I find ourselves talking about the purpose of our business. Yes, we are a business, so we have financial goals. But, the center of our discussion is almost always on the three core values we set for The Glass Jug way back in the beginning. We decided long ago that if we can do the following, above all else, the numbers will follow, and we will have done some good with our business and with our lives. 

A 5-Day Celebration to Commemorate 5 Years

It seems a bit surreal at times, but 2019 marks five years since we opened our doors at The Glass Jug. It’s humbling to look back on all of the changes that have happened and all of the people who have walked through our doors over the last five years. While it may seem cheesy, we think that five years is worthy of a big celebration. So, we’re doing something (a lot of somethings) we haven’t ever done before. We’re going to be celebrating our 5-year anniversary over the course of five days from September 17 - September 21, 2019. Below, we’ve outlined all of the various festivities.

First Ever Can Release & Summer Fest Celebration

We’ve all heard of Oktoberfest, but this year, as part of our year-long 5-year Anniversary celebration, we’re also going to have a Summer Fest because…well, who says you can only throw a big beer drinking party in the fall!?

Mark your calendars for May 18th and make your way to The Glass Jug Beer Lab for an all-day celebration of great beer, rockin’ tunes, and delicious food. There will be plenty of fun and games for the whole family throughout the afternoon.

Glass Jug Announces 4-Year Anniversary & Oktoberfest Celebration

The Glass Jug Beer Lab has a lot to celebrate as they wrap up their fourth full year in business. This year has seen the launch of a rebrand, a move into a bigger space, and the addition of an on-site brewery and beer garden.

To commemorate the occasion, The Jug is hosting an Oktoberfest-themed celebration all day on Saturday, September 15, 2018. The party is complete with live music, food trucks, and lots of great limited-release and small-batch brews from The Glass Jug.